Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Man is a Curious Thing

sometimes just looking at your face makes me smile, even if i'm not sure it should. 

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Chicago is Beautiful, sometimes

Coming home from East Chicago one day, I had no other choice but to realize that sometimes, the city is a beautiful place. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Real Life Mystery

I got this package in the mail in March. There was no return sender and its contents were highly perplexing. First of all, my last name was spelled wrong, and out of all the mis-spellings I have seen of my name, this one was the most original: Rubinstein was spelled: Rubinsstein. Two S's?? Come on now! There was also no black lines over the stamp indicating that the package had even actually been mailed...but my mailbox can only be opened with a key, so if it hadn't been mailed, how did the sender manage to get it into my mailbox? Even more bizarre is the little pink note inside. The handwriting is unfamiliar. The note closes with a friendly: "Love Mom & Dad" yet, my parents have been divorced for ages! My roommate ate the cookies and sweets and has yet to die as a result, so the sender obviously did not intend to poison me. I have yet to solve this real life mystery...who is the sender?? 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The title of this blog arose from a lively conversation that took place on the El the other day. My co-worker Joseph and I were on our way home from a hard day at work and I had my styrofoam Dunkin' Donuts cup in hand. We got to talking about our favorite movies (a favorite subject) and Joseph told me one of his was a film called Synecdoche. 

"How do you spell that?" I inquired.
"Why I'll show you," he retorted.

Realizing we had nothing on which to write, Joe took hold of the styrofoam cup and proceeded to etch the proper spelling into it. Upon seeing the result, I was taken by suprise. I certainly didn't expect the fore mentioned word to have such a peculiar spelling. I etched an alternative spelling into the other side of the cup: Synectoky. 

"I would've spelled it like that," I said "It's phonetic." 

And alas, such I decided to name my blog. I hope to fill it with as many investigations of daily rarities, gems and contradictions as I can find. 

Thank you.
